1 What is a Peltier element?

1 What is a Peltier element?
2 Advantages of Peltier elements
3 Peltier element uses and applications
When electricity is passed through the element, the phenomenon where once side is “heated” and one side is “cooled” occurs. This is a heat movement phenomenon (heat pump) caused by the temperature difference between the high temperature side that dissipates the heat and the low temperature side that absorbs it. The temperature can be adjusted by changing the amount of electricity flowing. Further, the cooling and heating can be reversed by changing the direction of the electricity flow. This action is called the “Peltier effect” and it can be easily used to adjust the heating and cooling temperature.
《 Peltier Element Cooling 1 》
This shows a water drop on the end of a tooth pick being adhered to the unit using electronic cooling.
《 Peltier Element Heating 2 》
This shows the frozen water drop contact surface with the unit being melted by heating.
《 Peltier Element Cooling ⇄ Heating 3 》
This shows the temperature change using a thermographic camera.
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